Five Common Denominator of Individuals with Drug Addiction & Alcoholism

Chemical dependency has certain common characteristics in all drug addicts and alcoholics. The abuse of alcohol or drugs will produce these characteristics in individual regardless of age, class of society, religion, intelligence level or geographical location. It does not discriminate.

This awareness video was created to help you recognize drug addiction and alcoholism in the lives of others you care about. Be sure to Subscribe at our YouTube channel for the newest segments.

What is Chemical Dependency?

Chemical dependency is a physical addiction to mind and mood altering chemicals coupled with mental compulsion.

It includes all drug & alcohol addictions.

If left untreated, it will progress and can become fatal. The whole person needs to be addressed when one seeks recovery: body, soul and spirit.

What are the 5 characteristics common in all addicts?

1 – Compulsive Abuse: the drug addict can determine when to start using, but cannot determine when to stop. Feelings of euphoria and loss of will power become prevalent while the control over one’s ability to make the best decision become lost.

2 – Denial & Projection: both traits are defense mechanisms used by the addict. They can suppress reality, cover shame, have feeling of insecurity, etc. Projection unloads self-hatred onto others, thus make them not responsible.

3 – Alienation from God: As addicts seek to only get their drug of choice, they become self-centered. There is a false confidence in the substance, and not God. Morality become less important and ethics compromised.

4 – Isolation from True Self: the substance abuser can experience low self-value, shame, guilt, fear, loneliness, and begin to violate their own standards and convictions.

5 – Separation from Significant Others: they eventually place barriers between themselves and others to keep from being vulnerable to critics. They may express erratic behavior that no one wants to be around. Most think the drug addiction is not affecting anyone else.

Again, it does not matter your age, race, social status, intelligence, location, etc. Chemical dependency does not discriminate.

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