How to Beat Holiday Stress and Depression

American Association of Christian Counselors » Blog Archive » How to Beat Holiday Stress and Depression.

The above link is to the AACC’s blog sharing about the struggles that people go through during the Christmas season.

For some people this is a joyful time, but for others, it can be very stressful or even lonely.  Take the time to read the above article from AACC and see if you have a tendency to fall into one of the categories of loneliness, financial concerns, family conflict, or just trying to “do it all”.

We are praying that you truly have a Merry Christmas.  Remember, we do have the gift of Christ to celebrate and be thankful!  “Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.”  (Romans 8:34) .

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