Marriage Devastated by Prescription Drug Addiction
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Marriage Devastated by Prescription Drug Addiction – CBN TV – Video
It began when Sean Hughes injured his back and was prescribed pain medication. Soon, he was taking 19 pills a day and his marriage to Jessica was eroding.
An addiction basically starts out as a method of coping with problems. Its a form of escapism. Once you adapt to that method of coping it becomes an addiction. For example:-some people are emotional eaters aka they use food as a crutch in response to stress and become addicted to compulsive eating.-in response to a negative body image,some people become bulimic or anorexic to cope with their thoughts. That also becomes an addiction.-To try and forget things or ignore problem, there are all kinds of things they can do to cope. Video games are a form of escapism, as are drugs and alcohol, reckless behaviors, etc. All these coping mechanisms are a learned behavior, and they are extremely hard habits to break out of, especially if there are deep issues involved. Any compulsive habit is an addiction, and would require treatment to break out of. So yah, a video game addiction is the same idea as a drug addiction, except instead of a fix or a joint, they use good old mario brothers or guitar hero for satisfaction.