Will you pay the cost to live free from addictions?
“But the king replied… ‘No, I insist on buying it, for I will not present burnt offerings to the LORD my God that have cost me nothing.’ So David paid him…” 2 Sam 24:24 via The One Year ® Bible | YouVersion.
David in the Bible built an altar to God in a plea to stop a plague on Israel. He was offered free materials, resources, and animals to present his offering, but David understood that in order to make a sacrifice, there had to be a cost.
Do you need to petition the Lord for your circumstance?
What will it cost you? Are you willing to pay the cost?
Do you see the result as worth the cost?
David knew it was. The next verse says “And the LORD answered his prayer for the land, and the plague on Israel was stopped.”
If you are battling drug and alcohol addictions, there will be a cost involved to live free. You must decide to surrender your current way of life and decide to receive God’s power to overcome chemical dependencies. It is possible! Christ has already done it on the cross.